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K knit
P purl
K2tog knit 2 together- right leaning decrease
SSK Slip, slip, knit these 2 stitches together- left leaning decrease
YO yarn over
PM place marker
SM slip marker
WS wrong side
RS right side
garter stitch- knit every row
stockinet stitch- knit right side, purl wrong side.
A shawl with three sections designed to stay on comfortably, with the optional additions of a few strategic buttons to turn it into a shrug or just to stay on better.
There is no gauge because you can use any weight yarn as long as you get the measurements you want. I’ve made it in 2 different DK’s. One, Green Misti Alpaca Tonos Pima Silk, is a lighter DK and the second, Tatamy Tweed DK, is almost like a light worsted.
The longest one I made measures 15 inches blocked measuring from the center back neck to the hem, with 8 pattern repeats. The shorter dark green one has 6 repeats and the avocado one has 7. If you want sleeve buttons a longer shawl is better.
This shawl will have 3 equal sections, divided by 2 garter stitch “seams” with yarn-overs on each side of those stitches. Every row will start and end with 2 garter stitches, with a yarn over after the first 2 and before the last 2 on the right side. 8 stitches increased every RS row.
Cast on 3 stitches
Knit 11 Rows
Turn and pick up 5 stitches on purl bumps along the side
Turn and pick up 3 stitches along the cast on end
11 stitches on the needle
Foundation Row (WS)
K2, PM, K1, PM, K2, PM, K1, PM, K2, PM, K1, PM, K2
Row I: (RS) K2, SM, YO, **knit to marker YO, SM, K2, SM, YO** Repeat ** ** 1 more time, knit to last marker, YO, SM, K2
Row 2: K2, SM, *P to marker, SM, K2* , repeat ** 1 more time. Purl to marker, SM, K2.
(Correction on repeats.)
Ripple pattern
Work rows 1 &2 until there are 11 stitches between markers on the WS.
Begin chart on row 1 and work right to left on odd number rows and left to right on even number row. Slip markers showing the beginning of the chart on each section. Work the chart, continuing the (YO, K2, YO) increases as established.
On next RS row, K2, YO, then PM, and begin Row 1 of ripple chart over 11 stitches. On the next 2 sections, begin ripple pattern between markers. Place a marker before the first stitch of the pattern on each of the sections. YO, SM, K2, SM, YO, after each of the first two sections, on last follow pattern section with YO, SM, K2. Work extra stitches before the markers starting the charted pattern in stockinet stitch. (knit on RS and purl on WS).
Continue like this, adding a new repeat of the chart on the beginning and end of each panel after the last garter ridge, as in rows 12 and 24. For example, begin row 13, K2, YO, and start chart. Always K1 between pattern repeats. That K1 will line up with the center stitch of the repeat below it.
When beginning a new repeat, you can count 11 stitches from the center of the repeat on the row below, not counting the center stitch.
Ripple Chart
Chart Key:
Blank space: K on right side, P on wrong side
Black dot: Knit on wrong side, P on right side
/ : Right leaning decrease, K2tog
\ : Left leaning decrease, SSK
O: Yarn over
Solid Black Square: No stitch
When you have your desired length, add edging after completing chart repeat. Row 2 of this edging include a YO row which will give you buttonholes for sleeves. If you are making a small shawl or don’t’ care about sleeves, you can purl row 2.
(RS) Row 1` Purl
Row 2 YO P2 tog
Row 3 Purl
Bind off
What size knitting needle did you use? I understand there can be variance in knitting, but a starting point for reference would be very helpful and time saving.